Friday, October 20, 2006


After I finished this painting of Moggs today, I left it propped against a wall downstairs. Daisy was the first of the furry girls to spot it, and began growling softly and when it didn't jump on her eventually plucked up courage to take a close look. Chou Chou saw it next and became mesmerised; she paced around it, wagged tail, stared ... hid behind a sofa and stared some more ... finally went for a sniff and then plonked herself down infront of it and grumbled at it. Sally, bless her, took absolutely no notice at all, but then those of you who know her won't be a bit surprised to hear that ... and Teddy ran across the room at it and started 'talking' and introducing herself to it. The 'original' Moggs, meanwhile, stalked off in high dudgeon boycotting all contact with the imposter.

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