Wednesday, February 21, 2007

DAY 51 Project 365

April is painted with acrylics on 300gr cotton cold pressed watercolour paper.


Lisa Lorenz said...

Wonderful, delightful and very creative...I love the delicate face. I can see a series of this pretty girl in all the months. Bravo Bee.

Bee Skelton said...

Thanks Lisa. I've got some sketches for more of these, which at the stage they're at are pretty generic. I considered a calendar series, but I fancy being a bit more free and possibly a structured theme might tie it down more than I want. It's a good idea though Lisa, thanks,I will think about it some more. A while ago I designed a series of 12 Birthday Girl cross stitch kits (see which turned into quite a marathon. Thank goodness paintings don't take as long to produce as needlework designs/charts.