Thursday, March 08, 2007

DAY 66 Project 365

Yesterday's progress on the blue mixed media canvas.

Now off to town to collect new canvases and meet up with the girls. A farewell lunch for Evelyn today. She and George are off to live in Abu Dhabi for a while.


  1. Oh I love the blues..Have a great lunch with the gals...

  2. Oh I love the blues..Have a great lunch with the gals...

  3. Thanks Lisa good to see you again :-) Just back from lunch. Am stuff full of yummy chicken/pesto mayo, apple/blackberry pie & custard .... then I had to stagger a pile of canvases indoors!

  4. Thanks for stopping by in my blog Bee - nice to 'meet' you! You seem to work in a variety of styles and I wondered where abstraction fits in for you?

    I am looking forward to seeing your monoprint experiments.

  5. Hi Philip thanks for popping in. Abstract art is what I personally want to see on my walls, produced by others and myself. Good abstract work is what I aspire to make eventually and in my drawn out complicated way of thinking, that is where I am continually trying to aim. I realise looking at my stuff no one would ever know this. I think the reasons have something to do with my hangup about not having completed a formal art training, and in my own weird way I'm giving myself a crash course in all things arty ... before getting down to the main event. I know it's dotty ... but I feel I have to prove I can do all sorts of other things before I am 'serious' and accomplished enough in my own mind to tackle something really worthwhile. I've given myself a few more months of 'playing around' then I'll give myself a good talking to ... and crack on! Don't know if any of that makes a blind bit of sense? LOL

  6. Well Bee, I have had no art training at all - formal or othwerwise. I do understand where you are coming from though and I look forward to seeing developments.
