Tuesday, March 06, 2007

DAY 64 Project 365

Four Seasons series complete. Christmas is my favourite bit of winter, so I had extra fun with this one.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bee,
Enjoyed browsing your blog today. I once visited Cyprus in 1993, and it is lovely. I enjoy your cheerful quirky girl seasons series. Very charming. I will click on the link to have a look at your blue canvas next.

Bee Skelton said...

Thanks for dropping in Sally. Blue canvas is now looking a bit different than it did this morning and Cyprus has changed a fair bit since you last saw it :-) Which bit of the island did you visit?

ian gordon said...

Liking this Santa Claus version.

Definately a winner, and these will all add up to an impressive exhibit on your auction site.

Bee Skelton said...

Oooo Ta Ian. I'm actually wondering whether to market these as giclees and hang on to the originals. We have a gallery in town that is geared up to producing excellent archival quality and will also do greeting cards, bookmarks and calendars. Just trying to come to terms with the expense of setting it up.

Lisa Lorenz said...

Just Beautiful work! Love the colors and Christmas idea!

Lisa Lorenz said...

Just Beautiful work! Love the colors and Christmas idea!