Wednesday, May 16, 2007

To Life

I needed a quick fix today to try getting back to normal and clear my head a little after more than a week on the portrait project. I cut into one of my huge sheets of mount board and just played with paint and my collection of painted 'thoughts'. Here are the stages so far.

  1. The beginnings of a painted background, made using leftover colours still moist on my palette (waste not, want not)

  2. Watercolour pansy/viola from way back, collaged with torn painted paper shapes.

  3. Hand drawn text added: To Life, La Vie, Vita, Leben, vida, het leven, Lochaim, etc etc including greek and russian. If someone can help me out with the arabic script I'd be grateful.

  4. Textured gel applied and left to dry.

In town tomorrow with friends, collecting and deliverying work to framer, chat and lunch etc. Will try to do more when I get back.


Anonymous said...

Hiya, Bee! You've been tagged. Check my blog...

Bee Skelton said...

Gee thanks Jan. Last time that happened to me I was being chased around a school yard ;-)

Artists With Artitude said...

Is it too late with the Arabic script help?

Bee Skelton said...

Neda ... yes please, that would be great!

Artists With Artitude said...

Good morning, Bee. Check your email :)