Friday, July 17, 2020

Painting village community during Lockdown

Happy Valley acrylic painting by Bee Skelton

Still in semi-Covid 19 Lockdown mode, and having comforted myself with paintings of holiday destinations, I've now returned closer to home for subject matter.  Marlow Bottom, the village where I live has been a hugely positive and strong community during these tough months.  The churches, schools, shops and even the brewery have kept us all going.  It was difficult to decide what to include, and what had to be left out for compositional requirements.  I hope to make a series of paintings illustrating other special local places and people.  I'm open to ideas and commissions from elsewhere.
As usual I began by making preparatory drawings in my sketch book.
The initial composition sketch will make no sense to anyone other than myself.  But that's the whole point of a sketchbook. It's a work book for your own eyes only.

Here are some process images:

I'm very pleased that the completed painting is now being used to raise money for local good causes.  See here for more details on my Facebook Page.

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