Gamma and Delta are finished. They could happily live side by side. What do you think?
$99 each plus shipping.
My next project is a portrait. Normally I would show daily progress. But due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter, it will be for the eyes of the client only. If you knew the reason, you would understand. I shall be back with daily work in progress as soon as possible.
Greetings from Canada. These are just beautiful!!
Thanks very much. Hope you little girl is in good health very soon. Bee
volevo farti i complimenti hai un sito bellissimo un abbraccio dall'Italia
Congratulations on a beautiful website
Loved everything on your site and you did a magnificent job. You should be proud of yourself
if youhave just a minute, visit me back and live a comment with your link, so other Italian people will be able to visit your blog
Okay, Bee...You're off the hook for now. But don't make us wait too long to show us your next project :)
LOL I snook in an 'ickle extra project Neda. Does that count? ;-)
Yes! You get an "E" for Effort, and I get an "IWM" for I want more!! Best wishes, Bee :)
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