During my enforced bed-rest, it turned out there are only just so many international radio news items, and blockbuster novels you can digest before the creative fingers start to itch. But what to do from a horizontal position? Painting was way too messy and regular jewellery techniques just beyond me ..... so I began experimenting with thread, fabric and free-form crochet, one of my favourite things.
During my enforced bed-rest, it turned out there are only just so many international radio news items, and blockbuster novels you can digest before the creative fingers start to itch. But what to do from a horizontal position? Painting was way too messy and regular jewellery techniques just beyond me ..... so I began experimenting with thread, fabric and free-form crochet, one of my favourite things.
Here is a cuff bracelet made from cotton thead, hessian, felt, glass beads and vintage buttons. The larger green button was orignally on a cosy dressing gown made for me by my Mum when I was about 5 years old. Now with a red felt backing it slips through a buttonhole to create the fastening for the bracelet. I think Mum would have approved.
Atagirl! - glad to see that you are managing to create while flat! I am late into the piece as usual ... did not know you were laid up and hope that you will soon be fully recovered. Take care of that back. x
Thanks Lesly ... great to hear from you. How you doing? Will go visit your blog to see what you've been upto. I'm way out of touch with just about everybody at the moment.
Well done! I'm sure on a suitable wrist this would look great. Sorry to hear (belatedly) of your mishap.
so glad youre on the mend, theres nothing worse that back pain, the cuffs are lovely ~ take care of yourself ~ a gentle hug coming you way!! Judy :)
Thanks Judy ... I wondered how come I felt so good just now ... must have been your hug ... and there was me thinking it was the pills ;) Seriously, thank you so much Judy for your thoughtfulness... you're such a Sweetie :) x
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